Time & Attendance Tracking

Record time and attendance across every timezone, wherever your team members are located.

Manage paid time off with clarity

Ditch the spreadsheets and manual calculations. Manage time and attendance for your global team in Remote.

Track all types of leave

From the minimum required by law to unlimited time off — and everything in between — the sleek Remote interface makes it easy to request and track time off.

Monitor compliance

See total time-off calculations against the country's legal minimum and the amount specified in an employee's contract

Get full visibility

Employees can view and request time off from any device, including on the go with the Remote mobile app, using a simple calendar view for easy planning.

Approve and review

Empower people managers and HR teams to approve requests with the click of a button.

Never miss a public holiday

Get an at-a-glance view of upcoming public holidays for the countries where your team members are based.

Track hours worked for compliance and payroll

Whether your team work full- or part time, in-person or remote, or are on hourly or salary contracts, we've got you covered.

Log time with notes

Your team can track their working hours from anywhere, and can add notes to give context or tie hours to specific tasks and projects.

Review and submit

Your team can review and submit timesheets with the click of a button, or set them to automatically submit their regular hours.

Stay compliant

You can review and approve timesheets for your records, and to ensure payroll compliance with overtime, on-call, or working hours regulations.

What they say

Global businesses trust Remote

  • "Remote is easy to use and we can see everything in one place. We can see contract information, and approve things like holidays and expenses with a few clicks. It saves time so we can focus on building the business."
  • “Our people managers access Remote to see their direct reports and access their basic information, emergency contact, and employment and contract details. They can also manage expenses, approve or decline time off, and handle expenses. Remote gives everything in one place.”

Balance flexibility and visibility with your contractors

Track working hours and availability with contractors

To stay clear of misclassification penalities, contractors should have the freedom to work when and where they want around the world - but that doesn't mean you should be left in the dark.

Your contractors can log and save their hours from their laptop or mobile, add notes to connect hours to projects and tasks, and provide greater visibility into their upcoming availability.

Track time and attendance with ease

HR Management

Manage all of your employees in one place


Top features

  • Guided onboarding and offboarding

  • Employee profile and document management

  • Time and attendance (time off and tracking)

  • Expense management and reimbursement

  • Employee self-serve on the platform and mobile app

Employer of Record

Hire and pay your global team

Starting at $599/month

for annual plans

Top features

  • Satisfaction guaranteed

  • No deposits or hidden fees

  • Zero onboarding or offboarding fees

  • Compliant equity incentives support including withholding and reporting

  • Built-in security and compliance

  • Fast onboarding (average 2-3 days)

  • Flexible, localized benefits

Contractor Management

Compliantly onboard and pay contractors


per contractor/month

Top features

  • Only pay for contractors you actively work with

  • Work with contractors in 200+ countries and territories

  • Create, edit, and sign tailored, localized contracts

  • Approve contractor invoices with one click or auto-pay

  • Transparent payments with complete visibility


Consolidate your multi-country payroll


per employee/month

Top features

  • Reduce costs by centralizing payroll management

  • Ensure local compliance for every country

  • Direct support from in-house local payroll experts

  • Accurate, on-time, compliant payroll to level-up your employee experience

  • Tax and labor authority reporting handled for you